IRF630 is a third-generation power MOSFET specially designed for applications which required high-speed switching. This component is a great combination of low on-state resistance, cost-effective, and rugged design.
5V/800mA SMPS is an easy-to-use module, which uses minimal components to convert a 220V AC input to a 5V DC output. The module has an output current rating of 800mA. It is widely used in mobile chargers, audio/video players, and more.
Infineon Technologies AG introduces the new 650 V TRENCHSTOP 5 WR6 family which comes in a TO-247-3-HCC package and offers a broad portfolio comprising 20A, 30A, 40A, 50A, 60A and 70A current ratings.
MOC3063 IC is a 6 pin I/O Optocoupler/Optoisolator with an integrated gallium arsenide Infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a TRIAC output with a Zero-crossing circuit. The IC can provide optical isolation to devices operating at 115/240 VAC lines.
XP Power has announced an addition to the high power range of digital programmable 3 phase 5kW AC-DC power supplies offering flexible operation with uncomplicated lowline input requirements.
Silanna Semiconductor has extended its CO2 Smart Power family of wide-voltage, high-frequency point of load converters with a 100W device SZDL3105B which is optimal for USB-PD and fast charging USB ports.
EL817C IC is a popular optocoupler IC. The IC like any other optocoupler consists of an infrared emitting diode which is optically coupled to a phototransistor detector.