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Automotive-Qualified 3D Gesture Recognition Controller - MGC3140
Automotive-Qualified 3D Gesture Recognition Controller - MGC3140

MGC3140 - Automotive-Qualified 3D Gesture Recognition Controller

Car manufacturers are increasingly seeking ways to reduce driver distraction through implementing functional safety technology in vehicles. Many Human Machine Interface (HMI)…
Small 36V, 1A DC/DC step-down power module
Small 36V, 1A DC/DC step-down power module

Small 36V, 1A DC/DC step-down power module

Texas Instruments introduced two new 4V to 36V buck power modules - 0.5A LMZM23600 and 1A LMZM23601, that measure just 3.0 mm by 3.8 mm and require only two external components…