PIC16F676 is microcontroller from ‘PIC16F’ family and is made by MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY. It is an 8-Bit CMOS Microcontroller and is very popular among hobbyists and engineers due its features, cost and small size.
PIC12F675 is an 8-Bit CMOS Microcontroller made by MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY and is developed on high-performance RISC architecture. This microcontroller is very popular among hobbyists and engineers due its cost and small size.
PIC16F886 is microcontroller from ‘PIC16F’ family and is made by MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY. It is an 8-Bit CMOS Microcontroller with nano-Watt Technology. This microcontroller is popular among hobbyists and engineers due its features and cost.
‘PIC’ is the popular microcontroller series from MICROCHIP and PIC18F2550 is one of the popular microcontroller from ‘PIC18F’ family. PIC18F2550 is a High-Performance, Enhanced flash, USB Microcontroller with NANO-Watt-Technology.
PIC18F4550 belongs to ‘PIC18F’ family of microcontrollers. PIC18F4550 is one of popular Microcontrollers from the microchip technology, comes with a High-Performance, Enhanced flash, USB Microcontroller with nano-Watt-Technology.