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Difference Between 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit Microcontrollers
Difference Between 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit Microcontrollers

Why 32-bit MCUs are not always the superior choice? Comparing 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit Microcontrollers

A typical electronic circuit design consists of passive devices like resistors, capacitors, inductors, and active devices like Integrated Circuit (ICs), Diode, Transistors, etc.…
Comparison Between Shunt, Hall, and IC based Current Sensing Designs
Comparison Between Shunt, Hall, and IC based Current Sensing Designs

Performance Comparison Between Shunt, Hall, and IC based Current Sensing Designs

From compact shunt resistors to bulky current transformers, engineers adopt a wide range of current measurement techniques in their designs to measure and monitor current in their…
AC Coupling vs DC Coupling
AC Coupling vs DC Coupling in Reducing Noise for Signal Measurement

How does AC Coupling and DC Coupling help in Reducing Noise for Signal Measurement?

Detection and measurement of electronic signals is a task that involves some precision. Often the input stage contains an Op-Amp integrator to measure small changes in input. If…
Types of Soldering Iron
Different Types of Soldering Iron

Types of Soldering Iron and How to Select the Right One

Soldering iron is probably the most ubiquitous tool used by people who practice electronics on almost every level, from beginners to pros. Soldering irons are simple devices,…
Different Types of Encoder Motors
Different Types of Encoder Motors

Different Types of Encoder Motors and their Working

When it comes to precision control, a stepper motor is the first thing that pops into our head, but sometimes there are situations where you need precise control, but not that…
Bandwidth Limitations in Operational-Amplifiers
Bandwidth Limitations in Operational-Amplifiers

Understating Bandwidth Limitations in Operational-Amplifiers

Op-amps are the mainstay of analog electronics. You can find them performing a wide range of functions such as amplification, filtering, comparing, and performing mathematical…
What is Optocoupler and How it works?
What is Optocoupler and How it works?

What is Optocoupler and How it works?

If you’ve ever taken apart any phone charger or a switching power supply, you’ll find some tiny black IC packages with an unusual number of pins, mostly four or six, both in SMD…
Firing Angle of an SCR for AC Voltage Regulator Design
AC Voltage Regulator Design

How to Calculate Firing Angle of an SCR for AC Voltage Regulator Design

In the field of power electronics, AC Voltage Regulator is a type of power converter that is used to convert a fixed AC voltage into variable AC Voltage. A variable AC power…
Complete Guide to Actuators
Complete Guide to Actuators

Different Types of Actuators

Actuators are machines capable of converting a form of energy into physical force or mechanical motions. In easier language, actuators are components that enable motion in a…
Q-Factor of the Inductor
Quality Factor of the Inductor

How does Quality Factor or Q-Factor Impact the Performance of an Inductor

Inductors are the most dominant element in any Power Electronics Converters, Filter networks, and Communication system where they are mostly used in Resonance networks. If you are…