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DIAC – Symbol, Construction, Working with Application Circuits
DIAC – Symbol, Construction, Working with Application Circuits

Understanding DIAC Working with Application Circuits

The most popular and commonly used Power Electronic Switching Devices are the BJT, MOSFET , and IGBT. But when it comes to switching AC waveforms, we can frequently notice the…
Difference Between Active and Passive Components
Active Component VS Passive Components

Difference between Active components and Passive components

All Electronic components can be broadly classified into two classes, namely Active Components and Passive components. These components are diametrically different from each other…
Different Types of IC Packages
Different Types of IC Packages

Different Types of IC Packages and How to Select One

From bulky vacuum tubes to compact SMD ICs, there has been a lot of transition in the way electronics components appeared or packaged. Manufacturers are constantly working to…
Metal Oxide Varistor
Metal Oxide Varistor

Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV) – Working, Application, Design Tips and Selection Guide

A Metal Oxide Varistor or MOV is the blue or orange-colored circular component that you can commonly spot on the AC Input side of any Power Supply Circuit. The Metal Oxide…
Battery Separators – Types and Importance in the Performance of Battery
Battery Separators – Types and Importance in the Performance of Battery

Battery Separators – Types and Importance in the Performance of Battery

The basic building blocks of the battery involve an anode, cathode, and an electrolyte. Another important part of a battery that we take for granted is the battery separator.…
How to choose a Battery
How to choose a Battery

How to Select a Battery for Your Next Project - Factors to consider

Batteries are the energy storage units of many devices that we come across every day; they are available in different forms, sizes, parameters, and shapes. You can commonly find…
Motor Driver: H-Bridge Topology and Direction control
Motor Driver: H-Bridge Topology and Direction control

Introduction to Motor Driver: H-Bridge Topology and Direction control

The most commonly used actuator in any electronic device/machine will be motors next to solenoids, pneumatics and hydraulics. From a simple vibration motor inside a mobile phone…
Bypass Capacitor and Decoupling Capacitor
Bypass Capacitor and Decoupling Capacitor

Decoupling Capacitors and Bypass Capacitors – Working, Applications and Differences

Capacitors are one of the most used passive components. From simple amplifier circuits to complex filter circuits you can find them being used in many analog and power electronic…
Microprocessor vs Microcontroller
Microprocessor vs Microcontroller

Difference between Microprocessor and Microcontroller

Microcontroller and Microprocessor both terms seem similar but there is a huge difference between these two ICs. Microprocessor only have CPU in the chip like most of the Intel…
Difference between TTL and CMOS ICs
Difference between TTL and CMOS ICs

An Overview of TTL and CMOS ICs and How to Choose Between Them

  It was 1958 when Jack Kilby from Texas Instruments, introduced the world’s first Integrated Circuit (IC) Chip to the electronics industry. This invention spread like wild fire…