The LTC2942 is a high-precision power and energy monitor manufactured by Analog Devices. It is capable to monitor the voltage, charge, and temperature.
What is a Sensor?
A sensor is a device that can detect a change in its surrounding environment and provides output in the form of an analog or digital signal, which is then either displayed or can be used by a closed
CHARX connect from Phoenix Contact is a new generation charging socket that comes with temperature sensors and LEDs for increased charging safety and comfort.
The DHT11 is a commonly used Temperature and humidity sensor that comes with a dedicated NTC to measure temperature and an 8-bit microcontroller to output the values of temperature and humidity as serial data.
Designers of highly reliable cold-chain pharma and other temperature-sensing applications can achieve high accuracy and robust system operation with two new industry-leading Essential Analog ICs from Maxim Integrated Products.
DigiKey and TraceParts announce a partnership that expands the availability of downloadable CAD model offerings for engineers, makers and product developers.