The MP6513 is an H-bridge motor driver manufactured by Monolithic Power Systems. It can drive a DC motor, a winding of a stepper motor, or other such type of loads. The integrated H-bridge consists of four low RDSon N-channel power MOSFETs.
The A3908 is a low-voltage bidirectional DC motor driver manufactured by Allegro Microsystems. The A3908 can be used to control the single motor in both directions.
Vishay Intertechnology has introduced a new high-speed optocoupler VOIH72A, featuring a 25 MBd data rate with a CMOS logic digital input and output interface for easy integrati
The DRV8837 is a low-cost N channel MOSFET-based H bridge DC motor driver which is capable of driving a DC motor in Bi-direction or similar inductive loads.
DigiKey and TraceParts announce a partnership that expands the availability of downloadable CAD model offerings for engineers, makers and product developers.