DC Motor
DRV8837 Low-Voltage H-Bridge Motor Driver
The DRV8837 is a low-cost N channel MOSFET-based H bridge DC motor driver which is capable of driving a DC motor in Bi-direction or similar inductive loads.
DRV8871 Bi-directional DC Motor Driver with PWM Input
The DRV8871 is a low-cost MOSFET-based H bridge DC motor driver which is capable of driving a DC motor in a Bi-direction.
Safegaurding Circuits: The Essential Guide to Flyback Diodes
Flyback diodes serve as crucial components in many electronic circuits, particularly those involving inductive loads like relays, solenoids
MAX22201 - Brushed Motor Driver with Integrated Current Sense
The MAX22201 ICs integrate a single 36V, 3.5A peak full bridge configuration for driving brushed DC motors. With low impedance FETs and a typical RON of 0.3Ω, the full bridge ensures high driving efficiency.
Coreless DC Drone Motor
Coreless motors are a type of DC motors that are specially used for battery-powered applications because they draw extremely low currents in no-load conditions and are mainly
DRV8833 Dual H-Bridge Motor Driver
The DRV8833 is a two-channel H-bridge motor driver that can be used to drive two DC motors or one stepper motor.
MX1508 DC Motor Driver with PWM Control
Description of MX1508 DC Motor Driver
MX1508 DC Motor Driver is a low-cost motor driver module that can control DC stepper motors of current rating up to 2A.
Introduction to Motor Driver: H-Bridge Topology and Direction control
The most commonly used actuator in any electronic device/machine will be motors next to solenoids, pneumatics and hydraulics.