IRF1010E is an n-channel enhancement MOSFET designed for high speed switching applications. It also has low turn ON resistance. Like any other MOSFET the IRF1010E is voltage…
ATTINY45 is high performance, low power controller from ATMEL. It is an 8 bit controller based on Advanced RISC architecture. It is one of members of ATTINYXX series, popular…
RS232 connector is a port used for data exchange between equipments. It was designed for data exchange between DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) or PC and DCE (Data Communication…
74LS08 IC is a member of 74XXYY IC series. There are four AND gates in the chip and each gate have two inputs, hence the name QUADRUPLE 2- INPUT AND GATE. The gates in the chip…
74LS02 is a LOGIC GATE IC and member of 74XXYY IC series which are logic gates. There are four NOR gates in the IC and each gate has two inputs, hence the name QUADRUPLE TWO INPUT…
ATMEGA328P is high performance, low power controller from Microchip. ATMEGA328P is an 8-bit microcontroller based on AVR RISC architecture. It is the most popular of all AVR…
74LS04 is a member of 74XXYY IC series. The 74-series are digital logic integrated circuits.
74LS04 IC has six NOT gates. These NOT gates perform Inverting function. Hence name…
The MSP432 is an Ultra-low power high performance 32-bit ARM cortex M4 development board from Texas instruments. This is the successor of another low power development board…
74LS00 is a member of 74XXYY IC series. The 74xxyy ICs are logic gates of digital electronics. 74LS00 IC has four NAND gates. Also each gate has two inputs. Hence name QUAD TWO…