The MAX22201 ICs integrate a single 36V, 3.5A peak full bridge configuration for driving brushed DC motors. With low impedance FETs and a typical RON of 0.3Ω, the full bridge ensures high driving efficiency.
The DRV8833 Module is a two-channel H-bridge motor driver breakout board that can be used to drive two DC motors or one stepper motor. It has a total of 12 pins, four of which are output and four of which are input.
TB6612FNG is a DC motor driver IC by Toshiba. This is an H-bridge motor controller that is used to control two DC motors. This driver IC can be used with any microcontrollers like Arduino, Raspberry PI, etc.
DigiKey and TraceParts announce a partnership that expands the availability of downloadable CAD model offerings for engineers, makers and product developers.