The end of August was a pretty interesting week with lots of exciting components being launched for various automotive, industrial, and space applications.
The AT24512 is a 512 Kilo Bit, 8-pin EEPROM IC. The memory of 512K is internally organized as 512 pages of 128-bytes each. The IC has a wide input voltage range of 1.7V to 5.5V DC. It can retain memory for up to 40 years.
The AT24C0 series has 5 chips in its name with different specification named 1A/02/04/08A/16A that provides 1024/2048/4096/8192/16384 bits of serial electrically erasable and programmable read-only memory (EEPROM) organized as 128/256/512/1024/2048 words of 8 bits each.
The 24LC1026 is a 128Kx8 (1024K bit) Serial Electrically Erasable PROM, capable of operation across a broad voltage range (1.7V to 5.5V). It has been developed for advanced, low-power applications such as personal communications or data acquisition.
The AT24C04 provides 4096 bits of serial electrically erasable and programmable read-only memory (EEPROM) organized as 512 words of 8 bits each.
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