New Gen 4 SiC FETs Provide Circuit Robustness and Enable New Levels of Design Flexibility

UnitedSiC has announced new 6mohm, 750V Gen 4 SiC FETs that provide a robust short-circuit and features an RDS(on) value of less than half the nearest SiC MOSFET competitor. The company has expanded the 750V SiC FET series with 9 new device/package options, rated at 6, 9, 11, 23, 33, and 44mohms. All devices are available in the TO-247-4L package while the 18, 23, 33, 44, and 60mohm devices also come in the TO-247-3L. These SiC FETs are ideal for challenging, emerging applications which include traction drives and on- and off-board chargers in electric vehicles and all stages of uni-directional and bi-directional power conversion in renewable energy inverters, power factor correction, telecoms converters, and AC/DC or DC/DC power conversions.
Gen 4 SiC FETs are a ‘cascode’ of a SiC JFET and a co-packaged silicon MOSFET that together provide the full advantages of wide band-gap technology – high speed and low losses with high-temperature operation while retaining an easy, stable, and robust gate drive with integral ESD protection. These devices reduce thermal resistance from die to case by advanced wafer thinning techniques and silver-sinter die-attach which enable maximum power output for low die temperature rise in demanding applications.
This series provides designers with more device options, enabling more design flexibility to achieve an optimum cost/efficiency trade-off while maintaining generous design margins and circuit robustness. Moreover, pricing for the new 750V Gen 4 SiC FETs ranges from $4.15 for the UJ4C075044K3S to $23.46 for the UJ4SC075006K4S and all the devices are available from authorized distributors.