The SN74LS74AN is a dual D flip-flop manufactured by Texas Instruments containing two independent positive-edge triggered D flip-flops with set and reset inputs.
74LS74A flip-flop IC utilizes the Schottky TTL circuitry to produce high-speed D-type flip-flops. Each flip-flop has individual clear and set inputs, and also complementary Q and Q`(bar) outputs.
The 74LS76 offers individual J, K, Clock Pulse, Direct Set, and Direct Clear inputs. These dual flip-flops are designed so that when the clock goes HIGH, the inputs are enabled and data will be accepted.
The 74LS73 is a dual in-line JK flip flop IC. It contains two independent J-K flip-flops with individual J-K, clock and direct clear inputs. The 74LS73 is a positive pulse triggered flip-flop.
The CD4027 is a CMOS based high voltage high speed Dual JK Flip-Flop package. The Flip-Flop could typically operate at a speed of 16MHz even at high voltages like 15V with a low noise margin of only 2.5V.
MC74HC73A Pin Configuration
Pin Number
Pin Name
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