FDA901 – New Class D 4x50W Power Audio Amplifier IC for High Fidelity Car Audio Systems

STMicroelectronics leverages the expertise of the Alps Alpine Co. Ltd. and introduced the new FDA901 Class-D Audio amplifier IC for multi-function, high fidelity car audio systems that combine the high efficiency of a Class-D amplifier with the high-quality sound of ST’s class-AB amplifiers. The new amplifier IC was designed with low residual noise, a low distortion ratio, a flat frequency response achieved through feedback technology, and low EMI levels.
FDA901 Class-D Audio amplifier IC can deliver high purity audio performance by minimizing drop out of audio signals. The IC is designed with multiple self-diagnostics and other advanced functions to measure real-time speaker current and impedance, these factors were prized in the next-generation car audio market for diagnostics and to compensate for loudspeaker imperfections. The IC allows the designers to deliver both extremely high-quality sound and very innovative features to improve sound fidelity.
Features of FDA901 Class-D Audio amplifier IC
- Integrated 110 dB D/A conversion
- I2S and TDM digital input (3.3/1.8 V)
- Input sampling frequency: 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 96 kHz, and 192 kHz
- Class-D channels with 93% efficiency
- High output power capability:28 W/4 Ω 10% THD, Vd = 14.4 V
- Max. output power: 4 x 50 W/4 Ω @ 15.2 V, 1 kHz
- Integrated fault protection
- Input and output offset detector
Note: Check the Databrief linked at the bottom of this page for more technical details about the FDA901 Class-D Audio amplifier IC, you can also visit the FDA901 product page for more details.
The FDA901 Class-D Audio amplifier IC is in volume production. Budgetary pricing is $9.10 for orders of 1,000 pieces and the product will be available through distributors by April 2020.