STM32WB15 and STM32WB10: Bluetooth LE MCUs with Extra Power Savings for Long-Lasting Performance

STMicroelectronics has extended its STM32WB Bluetooth LE microcontroller (MCU) with the introduction of dual-core STM32WB15 and STM32WB10 Value Line pair. The new devices feature an Arm Cortex-M4 processor for running the main application and a Cortex-M0+ for handling Bluetooth 5.2 connectivity. The 102dBm link budget of the radio stage ensures reliable connections over long distances and integrates balun circuitry to save board space and reduce the bill of materials.
The new devices feature carefully tailored peripherals and memory along with an ultra power saving mode that allows the radio to remain operational. These features make them a suitable solution for cost-sensitive, power-conscious embedded applications including wearables, beacons, smart circuit breakers, trackers, IoT endpoints, and equipment for industrial automation.
The Software Development Kit (SDK) for each MCU includes standardized radio protocol stacks and openness to proprietary protocols with a set of security mechanisms that ensure safe software updates for brand protection and device integrity, with Proprietary Code Read-Out Protection (PCROP) to guard intellectual property.
The development ecosystem of the MCUs includes STM32Cube certified radio stacks that support various profiles, software expansion packs and sample code, the STM32CubeMX configurator and initialization code generator, the STM32CubeIDE development environment, a powerful STM32CubeMonitor-RF evaluation tool, and associated Nucleo hardware tools.
Features of STM32WB15 and STM32WB10
- 1.71 to 3.6 V power supply
- 40 °C to 85 / 105 °C temperature ranges
- 12 nA shutdown mode
- 610 nA Standby mode + RTC + 48 KB RAM
- Active-mode MCU: 33 µA / MHz when RF and SMPS on
- Radio: Rx 4.5 mA / Tx at 0 dBm 5.2 mA
- RF transceiver supporting Bluetooth 5.2 specification
- Core: Arm 32-bit Cortex-M4 CPU with FPU
- 48 KB SRAM, including 36 KB with hardware parity check
Note: More technical information can be found in the STM32WB15CC Datasheet linked at the bottom of this page and in the product pages of STM32WB15 MCU and STM32WB10 MCU.