New CoolSiC™ MOSFETs 2000 V for Enhanced Power Density

Infineon Technology has introduced a new line of CoolSiC™ MOSFETs with a 2000 V rating in the TO-247PLUS-4-HCC package. These MOSFETs are designed to address the need for increased power density without compromising system reliability, especially in high voltage and high switching frequency applications. The CoolSiC MOSFETs feature a higher DC link voltage, allowing for greater power output without the need to increase current. They are the first discrete silicon carbide devices on the market with a 2000 V breakdown voltage. Packaged in TO-247PLUS-4-HCC, they offer a creepage distance of 14 mm and a clearance distance of 5.4 mm, ensuring robust insulation. These MOSFETs are characterized by low switching losses, making them suitable for various applications such as solar systems, energy storage, and electric vehicle charging.
The 2000 V CoolSiC MOSFETs are well-suited for high DC link systems, supporting voltages up to 1500 V DC, which provides a notable overvoltage margin compared to 1700 V SiC MOSFETs. These MOSFETs have a gate threshold voltage of 4.5 V and incorporate a robust body diode for efficient hard commutation. Utilizing .XT connection technology, they offer excellent thermal performance and are highly resistant to humidity, thus enhancing overall reliability.
- Designed for high DC link systems (up to 1500 V DC).
- Substantial overvoltage margin compared to 1700 V SiC MOSFETs.
- Gate threshold voltage of 4.5 V.
- Robust body diode for hard commutation.
- .XT connection technology for superior thermal performance.
- Highly resistant to humidity, enhancing reliability.
- High-voltage DC link systems.
- Solar power systems.
- Energy storage systems.
- Electric vehicle charging.
- High-efficiency, high-reliability applications in high-voltage and high-frequency settings.
The CoolSiC MOSFET 2000 V product family is currently available, along with the EVAL-COOLSIC-2KVHCC evaluation board for comprehensive testing.
SiC and active electronic components
The current trend is that SiC is widely used in active electronic components.