DCM5614 – Isolated 270V to 28V DC-DC Converter with High Power Density and 96% Efficiency

Vicor has introduced the DCM5614, an Isolated, regulated 270V to 28V DC-DC converter for advanced airborne, shipboard, and UAV systems where power density, weight, and efficiency are critical. DCM5614 has an output power rating of 1300W and provides an unmatched power density of 451 W/in3 in a VIA package size of 5.6 x 1.4 x 0.3in at a weight of just 178g.
The Power dissipation of the converter is significantly reduced and it enables multiple cooling strategies for enhanced thermal performance because of the innovative planar and thermally adept VIA package. Modules can also be easily paralleled for increased power or stacked for increased output voltage.
Features of the DCM5614 DC-DC Converter
- Power up to 1300W, 46.43A continuous
- 96% peak efficiency
- 451W/in3 power density
- Wide input range 180 – 400VDC
- Safety Extra Low Voltage (SELV) 28V nominal output
- 2121VDC isolation
- OV, OC, UV, short circuit and thermal protection
Note: More technical details can be found in the datasheet linked at the bottom of this page and on the DCM5614 product page.