OB1203 - All in one Biosensor Module for Heart Rate Measurement in Mobile and Wearable Devices

Integrated Device Technology, Inc has introduced a fully integrated all in one biosensor module for mobile and wearable devices that can be used for non-invasive measurements of heart rate and blood oxygen levels. The OB1203 module is the smallest sensor of its kind which integrates additional sensors needed in the latest generation mobile devices, including an ambient light sensor (ALS), an RGB colour sensor, a proximity sensor, and a pulse oximeter biosensor. This module comes in a tiny, optically-enhanced package at only 4.2 mm x 2 mm x 1.2 mm, and includes two LEDs, drivers, the sensors and a signal conditioning chip that outputs all sensor data on an I2C bus.
Features of OB1203
- 250mA max drive current and photodetectors
- High SNR and Crosstalk Cancellation (Analog & Digital)
- SpO2 measurement behind IR transmissive, but visible dark ink
Ambient Light/ Colour Sensor
- High lux accuracy across various light sources
- Absolute sensitivity: 0.06 lx to > 150,000 lx
- Output resolution LS/CS: 13 to 20 bits
- Four LS/CS gain modes: x1 to x6
- Highly linear output, 50Hz/60Hz light, and fluorescent light flicker immunity
Proximity Sensor
- Integrated and trimmed LED source, a driver (250mA) and photo detector
- High resolution (12 to 16 bits)
- Object movement detection (in/out)
- Ambient light suppression > 100 klx sunlight
Note: More Technical details can be found in the datasheet given at the bottom of this page.
The OB1203 has an antiallergenic glass cover which allows it to be used in applications requiring direct skin contact. It also has the ability to operate when covered with IR inked glass, allowing product designers to conceal the module for a cleaner and aesthetically pleasing product design. The OB1203 comes with at clinical-grade heart rate and SpO2 algorithms, an easily customized android app and it only requires power and three data lines to operate.
The Sample OB1203s and evaluation kits with Bluetooth or USB data connectivity are available online by request. For more details about OB1203 visit the product page of the official website.