BM14270MUV-LB Ultra-compact contactless current sensor for industrial equipment and consumer devices

With a form factor of only 3.5mm square ROHM semiconductors has launched a new contact less current sensor for high power applications like servers in data centers and solar power systems. The existing conventional current sensors using hall elements has the drawback of consuming large current during operation and also has low sensitivity. Hence the new BM14270MUV-LB current sensor is built using the MI (Magneto Impedance) element which makes the sensor to work without any contact and consumes a very low current of only 0.07mA which is hundred times lesser than conventional method.
Another common problem faced with current sensors is that their performance gets affected by the magnetic disturbance around it. Designers normally used a shielding around the sensor to protect it from such noise but it comes with a tradeoff with space. To overcome this problem the BM14270MUV-LB current sensor has a built-in magnetic field cancellation function making the shielding unnecessary. This allows the sensor to be used in battery driven compact applications where space and current consumption is a constraint.
Key features of BM14270MUV-LB:
- Operating voltage: 2.7V to 5.5V
- Built-in ADC with I2C interface
- 14-bit Digital Output
- Low power consumption of only 0.07mA
- Compact form factor (3.5mm × 3.5mm × 1.0mm)
- Built-in magnetic field cancellation
- Suitable for battery driven devices
- Uses MI element for high sensitivity
- Contactless current detection reduces power loss
More information on BM14270MUV-LB current sensor can be found at the datasheet linked below. The samples are available from January 2019 and are expected to be prepared for OEM quantities by April 2019. You can visit the official site if you interested in getting samples.