48V Smart, Dual-Channel High-Side MOSFET Gate Driver with SPI Interface designed for Automotive Applications

Infineon Technologies AG has introduced the EiceDRIVER 2ED4820-EM which is a smart gate driver with an SPI interface and is an ideal companion to Infineon’s 80/100V OptiMOS MOSFETs. This smart, dual-channel high-side gate driver 2ED4820-EM can tolerate negative voltages at Vbat down to -90V and voltages up to +105V and is a perfect option for switching high-current loads in a 48V board net. This new device is ideal for applications like battery protection switch, input protection switch, and static load and supply switch for high currents.
This new gate driver includes a current sense amplifier for high or low-side measurement. The low-side measurement helps reduce cost, PCB space, and overall power dissipation since the existing shunt resistor of the battery management system can be used. With the two integrated output channels, it is possible to control a dedicated pre-charge path or separate the charging and discharging current path of the battery, further reducing PCB space and overall cost.
Extended supply voltage range: 20 - 70 V
Two independent high-side gate driver outputs
1 A pull down, 0.3 A pull up for fast switch off/on
Device control, configuration and diagnostic via SPI
Low supply current in sleep mode IBAT_Q < 5 µA
Supports back-to-back MOSFET topologies (common drain and common source)
One bidirectional high or low-side analog current sense interface with configurable gain
Configurable overcurrent/short circuit protection
Gate undervoltage lock-out
Safe state mode (both channels OFF) activated by direct input pin
Ground loss detection
Battery protection switch
Input protection switch
Static load and supply switch for high currents
Pricing and Availability
The 2ED4820-EM gate driver is PRO-SIL ISO26262-ready and is in production now. Moreover, to accelerate the design-in process, an evaluation board and a reference board equipped with the EiceDRIVER APD 2ED4820-EM are also available.